DevLog 2: SoundScape!

In this develop I add sounds to my game, I wanted a very soft and relaxing, and interactive soundscape, so I used the sound of crystal glasses, spoons, toy guns and crowbars!

I spend a majority of the time working of the ball blueprint, each ball has a hit, drag and ring sound. the hit sound plays whenever the ball hits something, the ring sound plays when the ball is no longer touching the ground. and the drag sound is when the ball rolls on the ground.
 the default ball uses sounds from a crystal glass, so the drag sound is the sound when you rub the circumference of the glass to make it sing. it's very pleasing to listen to. the rotational velocity of the ball changes a low pass filter of the drag sound to make it more dynamic. However, on record balls, I set the drag sound a music track and and have the balls rotational velocity change the pitch/speed of the playback, so it behaves like an actual record.

I am really happy with my soundscape so far, i am wanting to make puzzle elements with it! ill give each ball a theme, like nature, or water, and have them play the sounds of birds or rushing waves!

most stounds were recorded by me and edited in audacity. all the music used are songs i made available on Spotify, the ambient winds sounds and the skeleton key sound i got from a sound library.

Get Frutiger ball: A Game Design 1 project

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